Location – OBR 4567. AS WE DON’T WRITE, READ OR USE TH IS INFORMATION IN ANY WAY, WE SIMPLY CAN’T GUARANTEE ANY SPECIFIC CONTENT OR APPLICATION. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL / DEALER FOR TECHNICAL – SPECIFIC QUESTIONS. Rare late 1999 revised material here. Most of the other binder-set releases were either dated 1988, 1990 or 1994. Later dates = more and revised material. Detroit Diesel Engines Factory/OEM Manual. Service Manual (2 separate Volumes: sections 1 – 2.23 & sections 2.24 – 6) ” – Exactly as pictured – We never use “stock photos. This sale is for 2 separate, and complete, manuals from a 1999 revised material set. Please note what exact sectional technical material that the books actually do, and don’t, cover. The detailed table of contents, for the full/entire set, is pictured. It is from the first few pages of the first volume. Genuine / Original (technically revised). Please view the photos of the complete index to determine if the included books cover your technical needs. The included volumes are 100% complete as released / published. Marine / Generator / Industrial / Vehicle applications. Rare Revised / Updated edition: September 1999 Publication Number: 6SE379 Printed in the USA. This has been listed as “Used”. Quite simply – Excellent condition, Volume 2 is literally still sealed in the original packaging (it was never opened). Smudging on the section 1-2.23 manual (page edge thumbing and about 25 of the other pages). Very legible material here otherwise. The open book was only opened to reference one time, for one repair. No pet, smoke, fuel/oil or shop odors. No yellowing or ink notes and very white bright pages. Great reference material here, priced accordingly – ready to work. About 2,00 0 +/- pages of technical information (4). In a 3-ring binder. 1 – Engine (less major assemblies). 2 – Fuel System and Governors. 3 – Lub rication System. 4- Fuel, lubrication oil, and coolant. 6 – Exhaust System. 7 – Electrical Equipment. 8- Power Take-Off (refer s to torqmatic converter). 9 – Special Equipment. 11 – Engine Tune-Up. 12 – Preventive Maintenance – Trouble Shootin g – Storage. 13- series 92 service tools. The same technical service information the Dealer guys use. We have been doing this for a L – O – N – G time and spend a great deal of time in the listing and description of each item. Please remember that we don’t write them, read them or use them – No one here is a certified mechanic. We simply describe, to the best of our ability, what is in front of us. 99% of the time these items are used and we have nothing to compare them to. In most cases, unless otherwise noted, they will have minor imperfections from normal use: a page or cover crease, minor fingerprints, edge / thumbing wear, shop dust, etc. We go out of our way to tell you if the manuals are in either Excellent Excellent condition or in poor condition. If we have multiple copies of an item in the same sale – they will be reasonably similar in condition. Often times a manual’s covers show far more wear than the manuals themselves – you aren’t reading the covers anyway, but we will tell you if a cover is absent or we know if a page or two is missing, or if the manual is heavily soiled. Please remember all the items we sell are unique and condition is subjective. We try to be very conservative in our representation of sales items. It’s actually harder to sell a used item than a new one – we have to describe the difference. We don’t try to misrepresent anything – No surprises are a good thing – We do our best to help you. They state 2-9 days and are usually pretty accurate. We are not a library and just simply can’t afford for someone to either use or photocopy the material we offer at our expense. We want happy folks – It’s just good business. This is how my family makes its living – WE VERY MUCH APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS!