2016 60 series Detroit diesel 12.7 liter camshaft 23521680 used
2016 60 series 12.7 liter Detroit diesel camshaft part number #23521680. Engine seriel number: 06R0620171.
2016 60 series 12.7 liter Detroit diesel camshaft part number #23521680. Engine seriel number: 06R0620171.
Detroit Diesel Engine 50 Series Camshaft 23524896. Polished and checked at machine shop.
VMRS: 045-008-098 – CAMSHAFT.
This cam has been cleaned, inspected and polished. This cam has been treated with an Anti-Friction Compound to protect it from damage on initial start-up. This is a Good Take out Part ready for service.
Detroit Diesel Series 60 Camshaft Part Number 23524912. Packaging got wet and the camshaft is rusted. I don’t know if it can be restored… Applications: Detroit Diesel Series 60 12.7L 1986 – 2004 Detroit Diesel Series 60 14.0L 1998 – 2006.
Freshly polished and inspected by machine shop. Ready to be installed and put to work!
OEM Detroit Diesel Series 50 8.5L Camshaft GENUINE R23511785.
Detroit Diesel 12.7l Camshaft. This camshaft has been resurfaced to spec. This has been in storage since the work was done on it. Even though it was oiled when stored there are some small spots of minor surface rust. Price to reflect condition, please see pictures.
Detroit Diesel Camshaft 6-71 L. Fits 671 Series New Genuine.