Engine Long Block Short Block. Water Pump 23505895 23522707 23539929 for Detroit Diesel 60 Series 12.7 L. Water Pump for Detroit Diesel 50 & 60 Series OE 23522707 23526039 23505895. R3520136, R23539601, 23517027, 23520136, 23523904, 7126X, R235218215, R23523904, R3505895, 23505895, 23518215, 23522707, 23526039, R23505895, R23522707, R23526039, R3518216. RW6127, RW4123X, RW4122PX, RW4123PX, RW4125PX, RW4122X. Replac/return are available if buyers receive wrong/damaged/defective items. Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Warning : Cummins parts can be quite complex, and even the same engine model may use different parts. For this reason, we strongly recommend that customers order parts based on the specific part number. If you are unsure of the part number, please provide your engine number or VIN, and we would be happy to assist you in verifying the correct part. The count starts from the day after you placed your order and excludes weekends and holidays. We are subject to labor law regulations that restrict weekend sales services. All the warrantee Are Limited in Parts Only, engine rotation is very Danger, to be safe when the engine running all the people must keep distance at least 10 feet away from engine rotation radius, any time the shut down enginevalve must be active, keep your engine can be stop any time.